Thursday, October 22, 2015

Muslim Invasion of Europe

Muslim Invasion of Europe

Special Forces: Entering the Valley Forge Season

After establishing, we are entering the next season, our "Valley Forge Phase". Come and be part of this pioneering season.
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One Defining Winter- Valley Forge

The fight to sustain
As those in Christ, we are not merely survivors, but we are victorious! Yet at times it sure seems that the greatest victory is simply surviving. "...and after you have done everything -- to stand" Ephesians 6:13
In the winter of 1777-1778, General George Washington and the Revolutionary Army suffered through winter in Valley Forge, PA. Thousands of troops died there, as they were ill-clothed, ill-housed and under-supplied. In compassion for his men, George Washington wrote a candid circular letter to the leadership of the 13 colonies appealing for more troops and supplies, while at the same time appealing to heaven in prayer. The Battle of the Valley Forge Winter had its casualties, but the army survived and eventually was victorious.
David's Tent DC has faced many hurdles so far, but the the fire on the altar has never gone out. (The teardown and reset due to the Pope's visit did in fact cost us $6,000 and we resorted to worshipping outside in the rain! We paid $6,000 to sing in the rain! Jesus is Worthy!) Yet, David's Tent DC is coming face-to-face with what will probably be our greatest hurdle of the entire next year... winter! Already, our night-watches have been worshipping in the 35 degree weather, all bundled up, with handwarmers in their shoes.
Please appeal to heaven in prayer with us on these four prayer points and for those that are called by the Spirit to give of your lives and finances, I appeal to you to help us stay victorious through this "Valley Forge Winter".
  • This is our ONE BIG REQUEST: Pray for God to Pour Out His Spirit on David's Tent! We want God to show up in a huge way!!
  • Finances - I'm still haggling to find the best possible and permissible way to heat the tent on the mall this winter, but the current numbers are coming in at $20k per month. For 5 months, that's quite the utility bill. The funding to heat the tent truly is an alabaster jar offering!
  • Staff - We currently have 30 full time staff and we need to see that grow to 80 to truly sustain well. Our staff in DC are all serving overtime to get this off the ground. It's working for now, but it is not a sustainable pace. We know that the Lord is calling those who will count the cost and come with servant hearts!
  • Worship teams to sign up. While it may be easier to plan for July or further ahead than for the quickly approaching winter, we'd like to see more worship teams sign up for watches during this winter! It will be cold and maybe even difficult, but I know the sacrifice will be worth it. I believe this season is the critical, hinge period of the Tent.
Of course, pray for grace with the weather!
He's worth it all!
Jason Hershey
Join our Valley Forge Season

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Monday, October 19, 2015

A Most Revealing Photo

Could the United States of America be next?

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2